Thursday, March 8, 2012

Boys and Girls

I am working on my Grandmother post- but it's a long and heartfelt one, and Hunter said something today that made me so ... I don't know- mad, annoyed, frustrated, crazy... that I lost my focus. So here I will write on this energy rather than try to write peacefully.

So amidst the whole Limbaugh-Fluke controversy (what's the controversy? I think we can all agree that Limbaugh is a jerk-face)... today is national women's day- don't remember who decided to celebrate us, but thank you very much. We need a day. Or a month. Or a year. Hell- we need a few decades to recover from some of the junk society and nature deals us.

Today I took Hunter to a follow-up appointment at the doctor's office. He had a double ear infection and the doctor wanted to make sure his ears had cleared up with the antibiotics. We were waiting patiently in one of the exam rooms and we could hear a younger child crying in another room. Hunter commented on the sound saying that someone was sad and wanted his Mommy. I thought that was sweet. Somehow we got to guessing the child's gender (now in retrospect, I really wish I remembered how that came up). Hunter said it was a girl. I asked him why he thought it was a girl and he said plainly, almost rehearsed: "Because girls cry and boys don't cry!"


I mean, really. He is THREE! Already he is getting this weird complex about crying and gender roles with crying. I am anxious in my stomach thinking about it. I told him that of course boys cry and of course it's ok to cry. I asked him where he learned that- and of course he didn't know. I asked- preschool? Sunday School? Home? WHO TOLD YOU THAT?! No recollection- true politician style. Frustrating.

I wouldn't be so angry and upset but that this is not an isolated event. He's mentioned this before in other forms about how he can't cry. The last couple of weeks he's been increasingly aggressive in preschool and with Graham. He literally growls at adults. Again, wtf? Today he said he doesn't like people to be mad, but HE likes to be mad. And translation: mad = the emotion when you reprimand someone for being in trouble. We've attributed (and worked on correcting) this behavior to continuing changes in the home: Bruno being upstairs and in Hunter's space, Graham being much more mobile and in Hunter's space. But there are moments when no one is in anyone's face and Hunter gets up to bop someone on the head. It makes me literally lose my mind. I DO NOT GET IT. I have a sweet, kind, gentle child who is careful going up and down stairs, but somehow he is growling and punching and not feeling free to cry.

WHO kidnapped my kid and brainwashed him? Honestly, many of his behaviors may still be the result of the many changes going on around him and we are still working on those. He is still sweet and I love to see his little personality shine out. It's those moments that he says "girls cry and boys don't" that I want to punch sexist society in the face. People talk about original sin. My baby was not sinful when he was born. He was vulnerable, beautiful, human, needy, and whole. It is the world that he was born in that has the systems of evil. Little comments like "boys don't cry" wreak havoc on a literal 3 year old mind. I am going to figure this out. Every chance I get I'm going to tell Hunter: people cry. Boys, girls, old people, young people, etc. It's fascinating, when he talked about this another time- I looked for music videos to show boys crying- but without violence. Didn't find one. Lots of words about crying and sadness- but no boy physically crying. Hardly any girls either, for the record. We don't like to see or show crying.

I cried at my Grandmother's funeral and it was cleansing, healing, wonderful.

Boys and Girls DO cry, dammit. How do I unteach what society has already taught my son?


  1. When I read this, the first thing that leapt to mind was a dumb song off a Marlo Thomas record that my brother and I played TO DEATH when we were kids. It's fab. You can download it on iTunes. The song is called "It's Alright to Cry". There's also a hilariously outdated Youtube video: Of course, the rest of the album is great too, particularly a story about a girl named Atalanta narrated by Alan Alda. For what it's worth.

  2. It's not just Hunter, Sarah. I don't know if you've seen a couple of my FB posts, but Henry is already saying things like, "You need a boy to help you with this b/c it's heavy." Or stuff about how Daddy works and Mama doesn't do anything I sort of wonder if some of this is hard-wired? But it comes up in subtle and not-subtle ways that kids are pretty bright about (my parents visit and I thank my Dad for the odd jobs he did and he says, "We'll it's the least we could do to help Greg--he works so hard."---hmm..wonder what Henry takes away from that?!)

    And I'm sorry if Hunter seems a bit aggressive. Obviously I'm no expert on 3-year-olds, but I suspect it's a normal part of being 3 and developing and changing. Every time Henry has gone thru a "WTF?! Phase", it seems to pass in a few weeks and is often related to some other big change (moving to a big boy bed, etc.).


  3. Maybe you could remind Hunter that he cries and Graham does too? Or have Jason "cry" in front of him so Hunter sees that it's ok?

  4. And if you go the "Make Jason Cry" route, please take video and post. Thanks. -Bronwyn

  5. Easton is also going through an "anger management" phase. Meaning he's NOT managing it well at all! The other day he actually purposefully pee'd on his babysitter. Same frustration/anger/misgivings on my part - how do you teach him to deal with his emotions when they are taught (somewhere, at some point, by who???) that it's not OK to be upset and to cry, but instead that these emotions should be vented through anger and physicality? I don't have any answers for you Sarah, just know that other mothers are dealing with the same issues and I'm glad you are bringing it up and "airing it out". Maybe together we can all come up with some kind of solution. And yes, Limbaugh is a jerk-face, and a add a punch in the face of sexist society for me too!
