Monday, March 31, 2008

Facebook, sex and haircuts

These are some items on the top of my brain today (and for the last couple of days). I am currently trying to compete with my popular husband to get more (if not at least maybe as many) friends on my facebook than he has. Currently I have around 190 friends, he's in the 250s. It sucks to have been a little of a loner in high school.

Meanwhile, as I increase my friendship profile, I have currently been thinking a lot about sex. Weird- and I'll blame it on the pregnancy. My last doctor's appointment had me sent away with a very precautionary limited-activity prescription. Translation: I'm really fine, but just in case I am not allowed to run a marathon or have sex. So I wasn't really interested in marathons, and not that sex has been, um, plentiful lately- apparently when you're told NOT to do something, there is a psychological response that occurs. So- I have been having some very explicit sex dreams. I'm in some, some are just like somewhat sophisticated pornos. I kid you not. I wake up every morning thinking- wow- I really have some pent up energy there! However, I am not overly imaginative- so don't get excited. The dreams are very basic and involve only quite normal sex things. It's enough for me, I guess. I would think that since the condition I am in has been caused by sex, I wouldn't be so dramatizing and fantasizing about it in my dreams. But no, my dreams have come alive. My husband is a little disappointed that my sex life is all happening during REM. Oh well, doctor's orders.

Then there is the other completely unrelated topic: haircuts. I've been scanning old photos of myself and friends and family into my facebook account (a ploy to get more friends). And it has taken me down memory lane, but mostly- I covet my good hair days. I have not had a professional hair cut (even "hairs r us" would count) for.... over 2 years. I have told myself it is a small sacrifice and really, who needs a professional hair cut when their sister will cut it for free every 6 months or so. As it turns out, I might. My hair is... I think crying. I have it in a pony tail day in and out- occasionally let it down to curl, but most immediately pull it back up and away in a bun. It wants to be loved, carressed... wait- maybe these topics aren't unrelated. The point is- I need a hair cut. I want a hair cut. The only problem is that they tell pregnant ladies not to get a hair cut- because you might do something drastic with all those hormones running around. But the problem is- I need something dramatic, otherwise why not just let my sister cut it again? She can do dramatic- the scizzors are just not as quality.

So there you go. I'm at work. Thinking about facebook, sex, and haircuts.

I guess I could get my hair cut.


  1. Why did the doc tell you not to have sex?

    Oh man, I smell poop, I need to go change Moseley. I'll be right back.

  2. Ok, I'm back.

    The sex-dream thing is not necessarily related to being deprived of (or forbidden to have) sex. I had very, very vivid dreams when I was pregnant and was never told not to. In fact the first thing hubby asked the doc was if it was ok to continue (like I really wanted to).

    Love you muches!

  3. Hey, friend. I tagged you on my blog, which means it's your turn to share 7 random facts about yourself and then tag some more people. See my blog.

    I love when you write on here!
