Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Collective Shush

Early in our relationship, my husband learned that it was not acceptable to shush me, even in jest. The poor guy learned that lesson the hard way.

I think it was when he was trying to hear some noise in the background. I was talking to him and suddenly he said "Shhh!!" 

Every pot set to boil in my stomach. The volcano began erupting and the heat rose to meet my eyes, which I imagine turned red. It was such a visceral reaction, I surprised even myself. 


"I'm just trying to hear something, I thought I heard a weird noise."

Then I explained to my sweet, caring boyfriend, the collective history of shushing that that simple sound brings to my mind. He had no idea. 

When I was too loud: Shh!! 

When I had an idea that I was too excited about: Shhh!! 

When I wanted a turn: Shh! 

When I stood up for something I believed in: Shh! 

When my self-advocacy was embarrassing: SHHH!!! 

When I had a question: SHHH!!

When my theology wasn't acceptable: SHHH!!

When I had an opinion that wasn't the norm of the room: SHHH!!

When I was upset about something that you might not be upset about: SHHHH!!!!

To this day, the kindest, most beautiful soul can shush me out of genuine concern (listening for a burglar?) and a trail of hot lava circles my heart. I have learned how to trust the person and not the hot lava. But if I don't trust you? Hot lava.

When Donald Trump, the interrupter and King of Shush, was elected over Hillary Clinton, it felt like the nation did a collective Shush.

SHHH- minorities aren't important, besides they shouldn't look or act different.

SHHHH- talking about women like they are sex toys with no autonomy is not a big deal.

SHHHH- making fun of a disabled person is not so bad, stop being so sensitive.


Oh my blood is boiling.

That's why I'm writing. 

DO NOT SHUSH ME. (or my friends/family/neighbors)

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