Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Candle, Wine, Write

This is my recipe for relaxing. The wine keeps me from thinking about the dirty fill-in-the-blank, the candle transports me to a different place and the writing- it's my only outlet. I don't know what I plan to write today. I usually have a topic that is nagging. Tonight I just want to feel my fingertips moving across the keyboard. I want to do something that is not truly productive and wholly for me.

Lately I've been feeling a bit ... escapist. It may have been the solid week of rain (and today's all day rain affair after a few days of legit fall weather). It may have been the fact that my Mom was in town and as she puts it- was the "laundry fairy" and then she left town... It's hard to have your laundry fairy and adult company leave. It could be Hunter's new shiny (with fake tears) whiny personality that I am praying is a short-lived phase. My tolerance level has decreased to negative 1200. It could be that I'm becoming more politically and socially and globally aware- and it makes my heart hurt to see things that I was ignorant to before. Knowledge is supposed to be power- but I feel so powerless when confronted with the enormity of ... ugly.... that is out there.

There was an article on the protestors on Wall Street (which has and is spreading) that focused on a group of Christian leaders (seminarians, clergy, etc). This group of folks had gathered to provide a spiritual ground and focus for anyone who wanted to participate in integrating their faith with their fight. They were called chaplains of the protestors. Some of the comments made me really sad- one in particular was disappointing to put it lightly. The response these "chaplains" got from the crowd was one of surprise and specifically one protestor noted that they had never met a Christian protestor in the same kind of protest. I'm guessing they meant any protest that wasn't centered around highly charged religious debate (abortion, homosexuality, etc). That to me is S.A.D. sad. Are you a Christian? Are you a progressive Christian? Why do we let the loudest and most misogynistic and hating voices be heard as the voice of Christianity? I wonder if "Christian" has gotten such a bad name, we're actually present at these protests, but in disguise as a "normal person." I wonder if I've done this myself, dimming the light on my faith when it comes to the reasons why I stand for something. Actually what I usually find myself saying is: "I'm not like your typical Christian- I believe ..... you know- we should feed the poor." Way to throw the title "christian" under the bus, Sarah. But I think I'm actually afraid of other Christians more than those with no nominal faith. Even on Facebook- I hesitate to put certain things, basically because I just don't want to deal with the backlash of the Christian comments (see- I did it again).

I need to stand up for my faith. I need to put God's person with the truths I feel called to uphold. I need to keep myself open to hearing God's calling. I need not to hide my faith under a bushel or put out the light. It is DARK out there- and this world needs light. I need to quit hiding mine. So- I will proclaim the GOOD news and claim Christian and give Jesus some legs to walk on in this world who sees him as either a smiter with no sense of humor or a hippy with no sense.


  1. The pastor of our church recently left in answer to a new calling in his life, but one of his last sermons was one that has really stuck with me. Basically, it was about how Christians are the most vicious and absolute worst about "shooting their wounded." And it's so true. The people we should most expect to find compassion from tend to be the most hard-nosed.

    I am very careful about what I say for those reasons, too.

    S.A.D. sad.

  2. Great post...Try making art that even begins to explore faith...It's just not done.
    The word belief is wrapped up in the "bible-thumping" sterotypes progressive Christians have been trying to escape for years.

    I love this magazine...It gets me excited and makes me feel not so alone.

  3. I look forward to hearing more from you! I can relate with your experience and questions/frustration as to why we can be so timid to speak up. It is S.A.D. that of all the words in the bible, of all of the wisdom, of all of the call to love and to do justice, we cede to the loudest who focus on 5 verses (in my view, out of context), and ignore the rest. Perhaps we need to begin a movement of Christians that stand up for the 99% of what our tradition is about? Anyways, here is to speaking up for our faith as we see it, and welcoming the response as a beginning to conversation and discernment!
