I feel the need to point out two things that bolster my feminist swingings lately. They both allude to what is generally understood to be what I call the Mom-sponsibilities. Mom-sponsibilities are the responsibilities of Moms that no one else is aware of or accountable to (according to the stereotype- I disagree with Mom-sponsibilities).
I watched a couple episodes of the show "Clean House" by TLC on my Netflix to inspire me and for fun. The host of the show (a female comedienne) did something subtle but annoying, and I'm intrigued to see if she does it again in further episodes. When entering a cluttered home of a couple, the host has twice now said "You have got to be kidding me, ______!" Fill in the blank with- you guessed it- the name of the female. Because obviously, it's her responsibility. Both shows she did this. Keep in mind, both females were not stay at home Moms (not that that should make a difference). But it was clear who the host assumed was responsible for letting the clutter get out of hand. Annoying.
Second thing, our fabulous preschool (which is truly fabulous), has a "Dad Day." This is a nice thing, encouraging dads to come for an hour or so of their children's preschool and playing with them, seeing them in their element. Is there a Mom's day? No. What did I get in Hunter's bag? A flyer reminding Dad how important it is to read to his child. Um. I'm not sure what is more weird- the fact that they assume all the dads are deadbeat, or that they assume all the moms are doing exactly what they should and don't need any special time with their child. Don't get me wrong, I understand what they are doing here, and the stereotypes they are falling into are not always untrue. However, things like this make me feel like we don't give people a chance to be awesome. We just assume Dad never sees his kid and Mom is constantly present. I would have liked a Mom Day. Most people I have shared this with give me a blank stare or some sort of defense for the preschool: "most of the Moms are stay at home, so ..." So what?
Anyway. Just my thoughts. Am I the only one here, or does this strike a chord with anyone else?
I'm here, and I support you 100%!