Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fattening the lazy

My belly is protruding. Simply out. Just enough to look like I'm a college beer guzzler. Not quite the cute stage of pregnancy yet.

I'm getting fatter. Not hugely, but visibly nonetheless. I'm also feeling lazy. I credited myself today with not napping, but maybe I should have done that rather than this productive line of events:
check email
call doctor about TB test school district wants you to have
email connection in school district to see how important TB test is
gmail chat with a friend
check facebook
check the weather
go back to facebook
check bank online
go back to facebook and read blog linked there

No laundry. I did dishes after lunch- but rinsing and putting them in the dishwasher hardly counts as a chore- it's one of those zero-credit activities. You just have to do it, no one applauds this task done.

I didn't pick up, clean, exercise, write a book, bathe the dog, clean the car, clean the toilet, put away laundry, or even check the mail (we usually get it late). Lazy ass am I. I may as well but some sweatpants on and pop in Harry Potter. This is the thing- most laziness happens as a direct result of apathy. If I could choose and plan to be happily lazy- like watching Harry Potter or reading a nice book, then it may not feel so much like I've been sucked into the twilight zone.

That is how I feel. Twilight zone. Fuzzy head, glazed eyes, protruding belly.

People will say- oh but you're pregnant and blah blah. True- but I'm also able to walk, and even trot if I try. I shouldn't be sitting around. I can even fold laundry while sitting.

I need a plan. A path- a goal. Maybe once I start teaching (subbing) I'll get into a routine.

So now- here's what I'm going to do. Fold laundry and do laundry while Harry Potter moves around enough on the screen to make me feel inspired to fly upstairs and put folded laundry away.

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