Today was the memorial day cook out at the Snow residence. Fun- too much food, and a kiddie pool that rocked like a chocolate fountain.
I, we, they, are all exhausted. It was only a high of 95 outside as we pulled the utility fan from the basement to fan our guests. My friend Amanda came with her 3 day over-due preggo belly. Lots of fun. There was fun with cousin Annie who Hunter incidentally did not push. (now I think maybe Lucy and Becca have golden cars in their ears that Hunter is trying to get to- as they are the only 2 kids he pushes around) We had only 1 time-out today. A cute baby came and rolled around on my floor. (with a blanket underneath of course) New friends and old friends. Ladder ball.
yes- i am listing what is coming to my mind with out making sense of it. I didn't want to go two days in a row without posting... but I am really tired. So good night. Let's hope Hunter sleeps in again. 730 this morning! woot woot! Who knew I would get so excited about that being "late." All you parents who have teenagers that sleep in- do you remember this stage? Why are you complaining??
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