Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Such a slacker

That is me. I don't have great excuses- except that I started a nannying job yesterday, my son woke up coughing this morning- and I'm exhausted and trying not to come down with anything myself (again).

Nannying- not so bad, although it reminds me of how easy we had it with Hunter. Don't get me wrong- this baby is freakin awesome and VERY easy to read. She basically hates having a dirty diaper. That's pretty much the only reason she cries- that and hungry, but I try not to push that envelope too much. The thing that is different about her is that she stays awake. Like- she eats and then is awake- for like an hour or more. If you look through the first three months of Hunter's life- you'll see him sleeping. Through it all. I woke him up to feed him. (On many occasions, so that it became almost a joke- someone in the family would say: "Nehvah wake a sleeeeping BayBee!") Well- I don't have to worry about that with Lily. And with Hunter running around- I'm kind of wondering why people have more than 2 children. It seems physically impossible.

I just finished reading a very interesting book- American Savior- oh and I can't think of the author- I'll get it to you later. It is based on a very clever idea that Jesus comes back as an American and runs for president. His mother is a navajo indian and his dad is some random coal miner. I loved it- probably because I could imagine myself writing the same book. The author did a good job at riding the line between absurd and believable- for minutes it seemed very normal for me that Jesus Christ was running for president and that I should vote for him. The story is "told" by an ex-reporter with insecurity issues who was hand-picked by Jesus to be in charge of security detail. It's just a clever book. I wouldn't lean on it theologically, but I will say it could hold a lot of weight. I kinda wish I had written it. Thanks Jeremy who recommended it!

And... let's see. It's almost 11pm and I really should go to bed.

There is more stuff in my head, but I'm too pooped to write it out. How's that for slackin!?

yea. ok. good night all. The Jesus in my book says love one another- actually- all the Jesus books say that. : )

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