Maybe death was a little too heavy to start on. Right now Hunter is working on not taking a nap again- but I have faith he will indeed sleep. I'm going with the bet that he's going to poop in the next 10 minutes, then I can change him, calm him and hopefully convince him to really go to sleep. We're expecting scattered strong storms here today- I'm hoping for them- love me some good thunderstorms. I am disturbed by the recent upswing in flash-flooding. To be honest- I never understood how people drowned in floods because I thought that rain was slow. This year I am learning how so very uninformed I was.
But that's not what I want to talk about because, well it's not light enough after my death escapade. I can't really focus much now bc Hunter is crying and I need to pee- ok- hold tight, we're going to take care of business and then write light.
Hunter is asleep- I peed a long time ago and then I gmail-chatted with a good friend. So now I may need to just do a normal random post and look at what else I should do in the mysterious number of minutes I have left before the child wakes up.
Hmmm. I will randomly write about the domino effect of good tasks. If I do one thing and it goes well- I do more things and do them well- then it becomes like a waterfall of productivity and good feelings. The problem is that it is REALLY HARD to do the first thing- and imperative to succeed. Take yesterday- I got so aggravated with the general state of things that I told my exhausted husband that we needed to clean even if just for 30 minutes. 1 hour later and my kitchen is nearly reorganized courtesy of the domino effect. This doesn't always happen- but when it does it is a beautiful thing. And here's another funny fact- now that my kitchen is clean- I feel like my house is significantly cleaner. What took me 1 hour to accomplish made me feel like 5 hours of dreaded work were off my shoulders. Jason and I went on a date last night at the last minute because we found a sitter and I felt good about what we had accomplished! When I got home I felt satisfied rather than the- ugh- look what a mess feeling. I felt good knowing the babysitter wasn't sitting in a pile of papers and toys. And it took 1 hr.
Why do we get ourselves so worked up about stuff when it really isn't that big a deal? Why don't I just DO it? What is this evil procrastination and why is it so easy to follow when it always lets me down? So now- I'm going to go "do" it- sew something, file something - whatever I can do until Hunter wakes up- and I'm going to feel good about it, dammit.
I am the worst procrastinator ever. Heal me.