Have you ever had that distinct experience of slowly discovering that someone is insane? I won't spare too any details for fear that Big Brother is reading this...
Let's just say I met this new person and my thought process went a little like this:
"oh this person is so friendly, how easy it is to talk with them."
... 2 minutes later...
"A little eccentric, but I love me some eccentric people- bring it on!"
....2 minutes later...
"wow, I feel like I know a little too much right now and I'm getting a little uncomfortable, but that's just the introvert in me.."
...2 minutes later....
"hmmm, this person hasn't taken much time to breathe between sentences."
... 2 minutes later...
"I don't think it's me, I think it might be him/her!"
...2 minutes later...
"Oh my gosh this person is freaking insane!"
...2 minutes later....
"Somebody help me! Rescue me! I need out of this conversation!"
That was the gist of it. Internally anyway. Has anyone had this experience? It was sort of innocense to dawning of the epiphany of this person's insanity- all within about 15 minutes. I like crazy people, but this kind of crazy took a lot of energy out of me.
SO WEIRD - that just happened to me the other day too!