Monday, July 5, 2010

Grandmother is funny

SO- another Grandmother story. Let's do it in dialogue form...

Me: Ok Grandmother, we've gone through all your books now- that's awesome! I say we just glance through your drawers here and clean them out a little bit. Let's start here- you have about.... (I'm steadily gathering tube after tube of lipstick) a couple dozen tubes of lipstick (I run to the bathroom)- wait- here's a dozen more! You probably don't wear all these colors- do you?
G: Oh goodness, no, I don't need that many!
Me: Ok, let's just see what we have here (I sit on the bed with her)
G: You know, we were supposed to go get our nails done.
(side note- we briefly mentioned this in the morning- which is funny and cool that she remembered)
Me: Oh- yea we did talk about that.
G: Yes, let's go right now!
Me: Um, ok- let's go then!

And we went. And she didn't have to pick out which lipstick to pitch. She's a funny lady.

1 comment:

  1. Love her. Avoid the decisions, pamper yourself. My kind of lady.
