My Memaush would say this before going to bed once she announced she was going to bed- but we could stay up all night. : ) It's kind of fitting for now. We are now in the routine of putting Hunter to bed, doing some activity, putting Grandmother to bed and then feeling somehow that we're staying up all night- catching up with husbands and friends and each other on what we accomplished that day.
We watched pride and prejudice with kiera neightly- it was very good (Of course I've never read the book, so don't yell if it didn't do it justice). I felt the chemistry between elizabeth and the Mr Darcy character was pretty good- and I love me some good chemistry on screen. It doesn't help that my husband is not with me in Florida- so there's no one to cuddle with.
SO I'm still tired but I have an appointment with the audiologist (another one) tomorrow to bring Grandmother to get fitted for a new hearing aid. I'm super excited- in a geeky way. I'm going to make an appointment with the ENT and find her a gerontologist. I may as well do some of the footwork while I'm standing around here. I guess I want to set her up well, and start Mom and Dad on the right foot. I still don't know what it's going to look like when I get home and my job is done. I'm keeping busy in the meantime and basically waiting to be home with Jason for the processing to continue.
Another random thing about pride and prejudice. It seems in the "old days" saying what was on your mind was basically a lowly and despicable thing- especially if you were a woman, real faux pas. The chemistry between Darcy and Elizabeth was the willingness of both to say what they meant - sort of- so it worked for them, the demise (then it worked out) of Jane's relationship was because neither actually said what they meant, and the mean old aunt character was a true bitch primarily because her status allowed her to say what she meant. At first I thought all of this politeness and propriety was so annoyingly evasive and preventing any real plot movement. Then I realized that in a very similar way- just with a different set of rules- we deal with human interaction and people not saying what they really mean or saying just that without any tact. I will say I think I will always prefer direct over covert simply because I can know exactly how to feel and respond. SO that's my response to the weirdness of the old days when women didn't always get to marry for love- which I actually have a theory on that. Divorce is so high now because men and women expect to have love like in the love stories - but don't realize it was a rarity when most the stories were written - and true love often takes work after the story happens- if you were so lucky to have that sweeping moment. Which I believe every one should be so lucky.
oh lord- i make no sense.
I'm going to bed - y'all stay up all night.
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